Possible discontinuous evolution of atmospheric xenon suggested by Archean barites. M. G. Almayrac, M. W. Broadley, D. V. Bekaert, A. Hofmann, B. Mar
Catégorie : Publications
Piani et al., Science (2020). Earth’s water may have been inherited from material similar to enstatite chondrite meteorites.
Earth’s water may have been inherited from material similar to enstatite chondrite meteorites. L. Piani, Y. Marrocchi Y. , T. Rigaudier, L.G. Vac
Vacher et al., GCA (2020). Hydrogen in chondrites: Influence of parent body alteration and atmospheric contamination on primordial components.
Hydrogen in chondrites: Influence of parent body alteration and atmospheric contamination on primordial components. L.G. Vacher, L. Piani, T. Rigau
Marty et al., Nature (2019). Geochemical evidence for high volatile fluxes from the mantle at the end of the Archaean
Geochemical evidence for high volatile fluxes from the mantle at the end of the Archaean B. Marty, D. V. Bekaert, M. W. Broadley, C. Jaupart 2019.
Bekaert et al., EPSL (2019). Novel insights into the degassing history of Earth’s mantle from high precision noble gas analysis of magmatic gas
Novel insights into the degassing history of Earth's mantle from high precision noble gas analysis of magmatic gas D. V. Bekaert, M. W. Broadley, A.
Bekaert et al., Geoch. J. (2019). Coulomb explosion of multiply ionized xenon in water ice
Coulomb explosion of multiply ionized xenon in water ice D. Bekaert, M. S. Gudipati, B. Henderson, B. Marty. 2019. Geochemical Journal 53, 69-81
Bekaert et al., MAPS (2019). Primordial heavy noble gases in the pristine Paris carbonaceous chondrite
Primordial heavy noble gases in the pristine Paris carbonaceous chondrite D. V. Bekaert, Y. Marrocchi, A. Meshik, L. Remusat & B. Marty 2019
Bekaert et al., ApJ (2018) High-temperature Ionization-induced Synthesis of Biologically Relevant Molecules in the Protosolar Nebula
High-temperature Ionization-induced Synthesis of Biologically Relevant Molecules in the Protosolar Nebula D. V. Bekaert,S. Derenne, L. Tissandier,